Thanks very much, Thanassis, for setting this up!
For the benefit of people who were not in the meeting, I will note
that this process will help inform our discussion at the next meeting on
June 6, so this is not a final decision and you can participate in this
poll without worrying about that. Someone might think of an additional
option to be discussed at the next meeting.
Also, since this is not a formal committee vote, you do not need
voting privileges to participate in this poll.
On 5/2/24 9:53 AM, Thanassis Avgerinos wrote:
> Hello everyone,
> We will attempt to use a ranked choice voting system to see the
> committee's thoughts on the various names that have been proposed for
> SARIF so far. If you have 1 minute, please vote here:
> Voting link:> <https:"">>
> Ballots will close and results will become available after May 8th.
> Results link:> <https:"">>
> Best,
> Thanassis