Description: Dial-in numbers (see passcode at the bottom):
North America : (605) 990-0150
European Dial-in Numbers:
Austria: 0820 4000 1556
Belgium: 070 35 9978
France: 0826 100 260
Germany: 01805 00 76 13
Ireland: 0818 270 025
Italy: 848 390 160
Netherlands: 9006 454 545
Spain: 902 886029
Switzerland: 0848 560 183
UK: 0870 35 204 78
Pass-code (common to all countries): 409488#
Minutes: 1. Welcome by chair (Juan Carlos Cruellas)
2. Confirmation of minutes taker (Pete Palmer)
3. Roll call
4. Approval of the agenda.
5. Approval of minutes.
5.1 Approval of minutes of conf call #17 2008-03-31
6. Outstanding actions review.
7. Discussion on new profiles.
7.1 Encryption profile
7.2 ebXML profile
Going for public review discussion.
7.3 Individual verification reports profile
7.4 Visible signature profile
7.5 Signed Verification Response profile
7.6 Signature Policy profile
7.7 Other profiles
8. Maintenance.
9. Date of Next meeting 12 May 2008
10. Any other business
11. Close
Outstanding Actions
#0047: Action-2007-11-26-2: All to comment Pim's document. Reference in message:
Status: Open
Assigned: 2007-11-26
Due: 2007-12-10
#0055: comment on Marta's proposal
Status: Open
Assigned: 2008-02-25
Due: 2008-03-17
#0058: produce requirements document for EU related signature generation
Owner: Pim van der Eijk
Status: Open
Assigned: 2008-03-04
Due: ---
#0059: AP-2008-03-17-1: MC to start drafting profile for signed response
Owner: Marta Cruellas
Status: Open
Assigned: 2008-03-17
Due: ---
#0060: AP-2008-03-17-2: JC to start drafting the Signatuer policy profile
Status: Open
Assigned: 2008-03-17
Due: ---
#0061: AP 2008-03-31-1 All to comment on Examples for Encryption Profile
Status: Open
Assigned: 2008-03-31
Due: 2008-04-14
#0063: AP 2008-03-31-3 Chairs to consider the administration, available resources for editorship of Visible signature profile
Owner: Stefan Drees*
Status: Open
Assigned: 2008-03-31
Due: 2008-04-14
#0064: All to comment on eu draft
Status: Open
Assigned: 2008-04-14
Due: ---
#0065: produce formal committee draft doc
Owner: Pim van der Eijk
Status: Open
Assigned: 2008-04-14
Due: ---
#0066: open committee draft directory in kavi
Owner: Stefan Drees*
Status: Open
Assigned: 2008-04-14
Due: ---
Meeting Statistics |
Quorum rule |
51% of voting members |
Achieved quorum |
true |
Counts toward voter eligibility |
true |
Individual Attendance |
Members: 12 of 26 (46%) Voting Members: 8 of 9 (88%) (used for quorum calculation) |
Company Attendance |
Companies: 10 of 18 (55%) Voting Companies: 7 of 8 (87%) |