Agenda Csd03 progression meeting dF to provide progression language including machine readable artifacts To adjourn no later than 0800 UTC Rollcall Approval of minutes from 2024-06-03 (counts) Review and close #93, #119, and #120 Decision to progress...
06-12-2024 | 07:00 - 08:00 UTC
Agenda csd03 progression meeting dF to provide progression language including machine readable artifacts To adjourn no later than 0830 UTC Rollcall Approval of minutes from 2024-03-05 (counts) 2024-03-28 (doesn't) 2024-04-04 (counts) 2024-04-11 (counts) ...
06-03-2024 | 07:00 - 08:30 UTC
Agenda Rollcall Csd03 progression meeting dF to provide progression language including machine readable artifacts To adjourn no later than 1700 UTC Minutes Rollcall: Vojta, John, Michal, Simon, dF, Miloš (6/6 Voters) Mark (½ to regain voting rights) ...
05-20-2024 | 16:00 - 17:00 UTC
Agenda [doesn’t count towards voters’ eligibility] Working meeting to merge pending PRs dF regrets, to be chaired by Michal To adjourn no later than 900 UTC Minutes dF regrets, chaired by Michal Present: Simon, Michal, John, Miloš, Vojta Merged three pull requests:...
04-18-2024 | 08:00 - 09:00 UTC
Agenda Rollcall Review outstanding 2nd public review Issues and PRs Decide on csd03 progression Adjourn no later than 1000 UTC #2ndPRCRM Minutes Rollcall Miloš, John, Simon, dF, Vojta, Michal 6/6 voters ...
04-11-2024 | 08:00 - 10:00 UTC
Rollcall Review implementaion of all 2nd public review Decide on 3rd public review progression Agree next meeting time Adjourn no later than 1000 UTC #2ndPRCRM Minutes Rollcall Miloš, John, Simon, dF, Vojta, Michal 5/5 voters Vojta gains voting rights at the...
04-04-2024 | 08:00 - 10:00 UTC
Agenda Rollcall Review technical progress of Github issues milestone 2 Assess readiness to progress to 3rd public review Adjourn no later 1100 UTC #2ndPRCRM Minutes [Not counted for voting eligibility] Rollcall: Simon, David, Michal, John, Pavel Took a quick look...
03-28-2024 | 09:00 - 11:00 UTC
Rollcall Approve minutes from 2024-03-01 Review and resolve GitHub issues, assign tasks to implementers on GitHub Agree next meeting time and set time for progression to 3rd public review Adjourn no later than 1700 UTC #2ndPRCRM
03-05-2024 | 15:00 - 17:00 UTC
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