Chair: Kristen Eberlein
OASIS Staff Contact: Kelly Cullinane
The charter of this TC may be found at http://www.oasis-open.org/committees/dita/charter.php.
Statements regarding IPR related to the work of this TC may be found at http://www.oasis-open.org/committees/dita/ipr.php.
Advancing a document creation and management specification that builds content reuse into the authoring process
Table of Contents
OASIS Launches New DITA XML.org Technical Publishing Community Portal: New Web Site Sponsored by Adobe, Congility, and IBM Brings DITA Users Together to Share Information; 23 April 2018.
DITA version 1.3 was approved as an OASIS Standard. Review details about the new version and download links. See the press release with executive endorsements from Adobe, Cisco, Comtech, IBM, ISIS Papyrus, IXIASOFT, Oracle, PTC, and SDL.
The OASIS DITA TC published a Committee Note entitled "DITA 1.3: Why Three Editions?" on 17 November 2015. To download the Committee Note, please see the announcement from OASIS.
The OASIS DITA TC now sponsors three OASIS TC Open Repository open source projects: dita-lightweight, with content relating to the Lightweight DITA Subcommittee; and dita-rng-converter, providing cross-platform tools for generating DITA-conforming DTD- and XSD-format versions of RELAX NG DITA grammars; dita-stylesheets, featuring style sheets and other resources that can be used to build OASIS-styled publications from DITA source . See the links at OASIS TC Open Projects Sponsored by the Committee.
The purpose of the OASIS DITA Technical Committee (TC) is to define and maintain the Darwin Information Typing Architecture (DITA) and to promote the use of the architecture for creating standard information types and domain-specific markup vocabularies.
DITA is specializable, which allows for the introduction of specific semantics for specific purposes without increasing the size of other DTDs, and which allows the inheritance of shared design and behavior and interchangeability with unspecialized content.
For more information, see the TC Charter and FAQ.
The following subcommittees are active:
The following subcommittees are closed:
TC Tools and Approved Publications
- Version Control (GitHub Repositories)
- dita - Official repository for TC source files
- dita-lwdita - Source files developed and maintained in specializations edited by the Lightweight DITA Subcommittee
- dita-techcomm - Source files developed and maintained in specializations edited by the DITA Technical Communication Subcommittee
Technical Work Produced by the Committee
- Darwin Information Typing Architecture (DITA) Version 1.3 Approved Errata 02 was approved on 29 June 2018
- OASIS Darwin Information Typing Architecture (DITA) Version 1.3, OASIS Standard, approved 17 December 2015.
- OASIS Darwin Information Typing Architecture (DITA) Version 1.2, OASIS standard, approved 1 December 2010. You also can download a ZIP file of the XHTML version of the spec from http://docs.oasis-open.org/dita/v1.2/os/DITA1.2-spec-xhtml.zip .
- OASIS Darwin Information Typing Architecture (DITA) Version 1.1, OASIS standard, approved 31 May 2007. A consolidated zip file with all specifications, DTDs, and XML schemas also is available.
- OASIS Darwin Information Typing Architecture (DITA) Version 1.0, OASIS standard, approved 1 June 2005.
OASIS TC Open Repositories Sponsored by the Committee
Contents of these OASIS TC Open Repositories are created by public contributions under an open source license designated by the DITA TC:
- dita-specializations - This repository provides storage for DITA specializations that were developed by the DITA TC, but which are no longer part of the DITA standard.
- dita-lightweight — Schema files, tools and documentation related to the Lightweight DITA Subcommittee
- dita-stylesheets — Supports development of style sheets and other resources that can be used to build OASIS-styled publications from DITA source
- dita-rng-converter — Providing cross-platform tools for generating DITA-conforming DTD- and XSD-format versions of RELAX NG DITA grammars: document type shells, vocabulary modules, and constraint modules. It makes it as easy as possible to develop and maintain DITA grammars by allowing use of RELAX NG syntax.
Expository Work Produced by the Committee
Committee Note, 17 November 2015: DITA 1.3: Why Three Editions?
Learn about the new features of DITA 1.3 (August 2014 webinar):
Slides (PDF), Recording
Recorded webinar: Defining DITA for Pharmaceutical Documentation
External Resources
Although not produced by the OASIS DITA TC, the following information offers useful insights into its work.

DITA XML.org is a community-driven site hosted by OASIS that provides reliable background information on the standard. The site also serves as a community bulletin board and directory where readers post news, ideas, opinions, and recommendations. It incorporates wiki functionality to let users edit and add new pages to the site. The public is encouraged to contribute content.
DITA 1.1 French translation by Jean-Jacques Solari
Mailing Lists and Comments
- dita-comment: a public mail list for providing input to the OASIS dita Technical Committee members. Send a comment or view archives, mirrored at MarkMail.
*To minimize spam, you must subscribe to these lists before posting.