OASIS XML Localisation Interchange File Format (XLIFF) TC

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  • 1.  Meeting minutes

    Posted 04-16-2024 11:44

    Dear all,

    Please find below today's meeting minutes.




    Attendance: Yoshito, Rodolfo, Mihai, Lucía. We have quorum.


    R: I move to approve  April 2 meeting minutes - https://groups.oasis-open.org/discussion/meeting-minutes#bme48c7aa8-be61-4a99-ab37-9fbe693cf3a6

     Y: I second.

    R: Meeting minutes approved.

     ISO approval.

    2.1 was approved as an ISO standard. They corrected some typos and asked for permission to make those modifications.  I also went through the changes, and they are all typos, I have also taken the opportunity to fix them in the draft of 2.2.

    L: I have also checked them and also agree that they are typos. Most of them were already fixed in the last review.

    [Rodolfo shares his screen and shows the list of typos].

    L: Do you all agree with officially approving these changes and go forward with the process?

    Y, R, M: Yes.

    L: Thank you, I will inform them that the TC approves them.


         Remaining items before XLIFF 2.2 public review?

    Y: We have seen some issues in the last meeting with the links [see meeting minutes for the entire discussion].

    M: It was more like an example for people understand it.

    R: "is available here". Instead of having that, we should point to the CDLR.

    M: I can do it, you can do it. I do not have a preference.

    R: I do not have time to do it before the weekend, so if you want to go ahead go for it.

    M: No worries, I can do it.

    R: You can look for square brackets for examples. Once those changes are made, we can ask for a last review and Lucia can launch the ballot to ask the TC to initiate the public review.

    L: Hopefully we can do that before the next meeting, that would be great.

    Promotion and Liaison

        MessageFormat WG

    M: We have good news. We have java and c++ implementations. The spec of message format group will be part of CLDR 45, as it is a group of cldr.

    L: No new business. Meeting adjourned.

    Lucía Morado Vázquez
    Researcher and lecturer
    University of Geneva