Dear all,
Attendance: Rodolfo, Yoshito, Mihai, Lucía. We have quorum.
R: I move to approve April 15 meeting minutes -
Y: I second.
R: Meeting minutes approved.
ISO status.
R: Iso approved XLIFF 2.1 and asked for permission to publish it. We gave our official permission as TC, they are just waiting for the official one from OASIS. The person who is in charge of that has not done it yet.
Ballot and remaining items before XLIFF 2.2 public review.
R: We had a ballot to approve XLIFF Version 2.2 Working Draft 01 as CSD working Draft 01. The ballot was approved.
M and Y: We could not vote. We had issues with the new OASIS platform.
L: I will contact the OASIS administrator to see if she can help you with your user accounts.
M/Y: Thank you.
R: This morning, I uploaded a document to the repository. There is a public link with a zipped file with all the documents (specs, grammars). I suggest that we conduct a roll call to ask Kelly (oasis administrator), to move this to the public review.
L: I second.
Roll call: Do you approve to direct the TC officers to work with OASIS TC Administration on all tasks required to carry out publishing of XLIFF Version 2.2 Working Draft 01 to be released for a 30 days public review?
Yes: Yoshito, Mihai, Rodolfo, Lucía
R: Thank you. Lucía, can you contact OASIS administrator (Kelly Cullinane) so she can arrange the publishing of the files and start the process of the public review?
L: Sure, I will do that.
L: I will contact Kelly to start the process.
M: Can you explain again the next steps?
( Rodolfo shows how the urls on the spec are not working now, they will be made available by the OASIS administrators)
R: when this goes into public review, people might have some comments, we will have to record those emails and provide an official answer. When the public review ends, we will have a list of actions, we will do discuss and do the changes and have another version.
R: If we have it approved as Committee specification, we can then discuss if we want to have it as an oasis standard.
L: We might also have to think about outreach activities once the new version gets approved. It is good news to have a new version of the standard, but it is more important that people will implement it.
R:Yes, it is very important that tools support it. for example, deepl is only accepting 2.1 for example. They might accept 2.2 as well.
L: In the past, we used to have small conferences (symposia) and other activities to conduct also public outreach activities.
Promotion and Liaison
MessageFormat WG
R: It has been approved. I will be everywhere soon. I suggest that we take this point from the next agenda.
Summer availability
L: I will send you a doodle to get your availability for the next months, so we can plan ahead the next tc meetings accordingly.
L: No new busisness, meeting adjourned.
Lucía Morado Vázquez
Researcher and lecturer
University of Geneva