OASIS Lexicographic Infrastructure Data Model and API (LEXIDMA) TC

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  • 1.  Statement of use for DMLex CS01

    Posted 12-17-2024 14:18
    Dear all,

    please find below a statement of use for DMLex Committee Specification 01 which is available at this URL: https://docs.oasis-open.org/lexidma/dmlex/v1.0/cs01/dmlex-v1.0-cs01.html.

    At the Jozef Stefan Institute and the Centre for Language Resources and Technologies at the University of Ljubljana, we are converting old bilingual dictionaries into DMLex format. These dictionaries started out as printed books and were later moved into custom XML formats. Now, we are creating scripts that map their XML elements to DMLex. We use XML serialization, along with the Core module and any other modules needed. This work is still in progress, but once we finish, the DMLex files will be made public, most of them under a CC BY 4.0 SA license. At the same time, we are also adding DMLex-based import and export features to our dictionary database.

    Best regards,

    Andraž Repar, JSI

  • 2.  RE: Statement of use for DMLex CS01

    Posted 12-18-2024 03:27
    Dear Andraz,

    I might be just confused by the new OASIS system, but I do not see any attachment -- can you resend?


  • 3.  RE: Statement of use for DMLex CS01

    Posted 12-18-2024 04:10
    There is no attachment, the statement is the piece of text below. Do you need an attachment?

    On Wed, 18 Dec 2024 at 09:27, Milos Jakubicek via OASIS <Mail@mail.groups.oasis-open.org> wrote:
    Dear Andraz, I might be just confused by the new OASIS system, but I do not see any attachment -- can you resend? Best,Milos Jakubicek CEO,... -posted to the "OASIS Lexicographic Infrastructure Data Model and API (LEXIDMA) TC" community

    OASIS Lexicographic Infrastructure Data Model and API (LEXIDMA) TC

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    Re: Statement of use for DMLex CS01
    Reply to Group Reply to Sender via Email
    Dec 18, 2024 3:27 AM
    Milos Jakubicek
    Dear Andraz,

    I might be just confused by the new OASIS system, but I do not see any attachment -- can you resend?


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    You are subscribed to "OASIS Lexicographic Infrastructure Data Model and API (LEXIDMA) TC" as andraz.repar@ijs.si. To change your subscriptions, go to My Subscriptions. To unsubscribe from this community discussion, go to Unsubscribe.

    Original Message:
    Sent: 12/18/2024 3:27:00 AM
    From: Milos Jakubicek
    Subject: RE: Statement of use for DMLex CS01

    Dear Andraz,

    I might be just confused by the new OASIS system, but I do not see any attachment -- can you resend?


  • 4.  RE: Statement of use for DMLex CS01

    Posted 12-18-2024 05:27

    As far as I understand, no attachment is needed, it is fine to provide the statement simply as the text of the e-mail.


    Michal Mechura
    Faculty of Informatics Masaryk University

  • 5.  RE: Statement of use for DMLex CS01

    Posted 12-18-2024 08:11

    As primary representative of Jozef Stefan Institute I endorse the Statement of use for DMLex CS01

    posted by Andraž Repar.

    Best regards,

    Simon Krek





    Jozef Stefan Institute

    Artificial Intelligence Laboratory

    Jamova 39

    SI-1000 Ljubljana


