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Allan Thomson


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Having review the references Bret sent and considered what we have done already here are my thoughts. There's a few options. Option A: Playbook definitions-----------------------------------------We could just add ansible collections as a standard set of playbooks with different entry points for each ...
Thanks for pulling the edits into a separate document. It definitely helps review and focus on the changes. I've provided a bunch of comments on the proposed changes in the doc. Allan On Nov 3, 2024, at 1:12 PM, Bret Jordan via OASIS wrote:
Bret - I believe we *do* have the concept of an end parallel step. All steps have an ability to define the "next step" and as such a parallel step execution can define where to go to end a parallel step just by making sure that the appropriate (potentially multiple) exit points to those next steps that ...
Hi David - This is why I suggest we discuss in-person on the TC call. I believe that CACAO has such an approach for CLI approach to cybersecurity automation already. But I don't believe we will resolve this issue over email. I would also say that not all cybersecurity automation needs or wants to follow ...
CACAO was designed for playbooks that are much more comprehensive (read: broad) coverage of ideally as much of the security ecosystem as possible. While I *think* I understand you are suggesting OpenC2 uses a slightly different model, I'm not sure what you are suggesting changes in CACAO to accommodate ...