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Thomas Schmidt


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Posted By Thomas Schmidt 07-15-2024 05:27
Found In Egroup: csaf-announcements
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See a response via HTML email. --
Posted By Thomas Schmidt 07-15-2024 05:24
Found In Egroup: csaf-announcements
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This is a test for the newly created announcement list. Please ignore. ------------------------------ Thomas Schmidt Subject Matter Expert Federal Office for Information Security (BSI) Germany ------------------------------
Posted By Thomas Schmidt 07-02-2024 08:36
Found In Egroup: OASIS Common Security Advisory Framework (CSAF) TC
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Dear colleagues, regarding pull request #756 "Editor revision for TC meeting 2024-06-26" ( I hereby submit the following motion and request that if seconded and no objection received per this list before one week has passed on 2024-07-09 23:00 UTC to automatically ...
Posted By Thomas Schmidt 07-02-2024 08:23
Found In Egroup: OASIS Common Security Advisory Framework (CSAF) TC
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Dear colleagues, I second the motion. Best wishes, Thomas ------------------------------ Thomas Schmidt Subject Matter Expert Federal Office for Information Security (BSI) Germany ------------------------------
Posted By Thomas Schmidt 06-26-2024 14:46
Found In Egroup: OASIS Common Security Advisory Framework (CSAF) TC
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Dear Omar and TC, I found a couple of nits and issues in the meeting minutes and request you to review Pull request: #755 ( Best wishes, Thomas ------------------------------ Thomas Schmidt Subject Matter Expert Federal Office for Information Security ...