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Mr. Theo Kramer


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Posted By Theo Kramer 07-11-2016 11:03
Found In Egroup: OASIS ebXML Messaging Services TC
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Hi Pim Not tested in any of our interops or other tests as yet. > On 06 Jul 2016, at 15:17 , Pim van der Eijk wrote: > > > Hi, > > For signing AS4 messages, I am looking for information on support in AS4 products for the Elliptic Curve DSA (ECDSA) signature algorithm. > ECDSA has been added as a third ...
Posted By Theo Kramer 04-09-2016 12:25
Found In Egroup: OASIS ebXML Core (ebCore) TC
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Hi Pim Please find my updated document attached. Updates are mainly of an editorial nature. Attachment: ebcore-au-v1.0-wd11-tk.odt Description: application/vnd.oasis.opendocument.text > On 29 Mar 2016, at 13:43 , Pim van der Eijk wrote: > > > Hi Theo, > > No problem, we can wait until 11 April before ...
Posted By Theo Kramer 03-29-2016 08:46
Found In Egroup: OASIS ebXML Core (ebCore) TC
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Hi Pim I have unfortunately been snowed under for the past couple of months and will be busy until a 5 April deadline I have to meet. If possible I would like to give it a read through after that prior to it being re-approved. Can we set a deadline say for 11 April ? > On 29 Mar 2016, at 09:00 , Pim ...
Posted By Theo Kramer 03-02-2016 10:12
Found In Egroup: OASIS ebXML Messaging Services TC
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Thanks Pim - what you propose makes sense. I am happy to support your proposal. On 01 Mar 2016, at 15:03 , Pim van der Eijk wrote: > > I would like to propose that we abandon the monthly meetings and instead, by default, communicate via the mailing list and Jira. I checked with TC Admin in the past ...