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Mr. Stefan Hagen


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Posted By Stefan Hagen 07-15-2024 11:45
Found In Egroup: OASIS Common Security Advisory Framework (CSAF) TC
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Dear members, On Mon, Jul 15, 2024, at 16:51, Omar Santos via OASIS wrote: > Dear TC members, > > I, Omar Santos, hereby move for the TC to approve the meeting minutes of the OASIS Common Security Advisory Framework (CSAF) Technical Committee (TC) meeting in May 2024 with the edits provided by Thomas ...
Posted By Stefan Hagen 07-15-2024 11:33
Found In Egroup: OASIS OpenEoX TC
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Dear members, On Mon, Jul 15, 2024, at 17:21, Omar Santos via OASIS wrote: > Dear TC members, > > I, Omar Santos, hereby move for the TC to approve the meeting minutes of the OASIS OpenEoX Technical Committee (TC) meeting in June 2024. All meeting minutes can be found in GitHub at: ...
Posted By Stefan Hagen 07-12-2024 11:56
Found In Egroup: OASIS Common Security Advisory Framework (CSAF) TC
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Dear members, On Wed, Jun 26, 2024, at 22:00, Michael Reeder via OASIS wrote: > Dear colleagues, > > As discussed in our last TC meeting (2024-06-26) regarding issue #662 "Add the fixed_planned option to the Category of the Remediation" (Add remediation category "fix_planned" · Issue #662 · oasis-tcs/csaf ...
Submitter's message The link to this document will resolve after merge of the corresponding future PR on the TC repository. -- Mr. Stefan Hagen Document Name: Meeting Minutes 2024-07-11 Description This document is a link to ...
Dear members, as you may have noticed already, I have implemented the 5 issues with existing proposals, and created 5 matching pull requests for your reviewing pleasure. The list of issues with links to the pull requests is ...